We are committed to
- More energy efficiency and performance solutions
- More renewable energy (RE-R)
- Sober internal practices
- Working together with our stakeholders
- 6 million tonnes of CO2 avoided in 2026 thanks to energy efficiency solutions
Carbon and climate neutrality
EDF Group was one of the first to set itself the target of achieving carbon neutrality by reducing CO2 emissions by 2050. To achieve this, we are first working with our customers to develop the most energy-efficient solutions with the lowest CO2 emissions. To avoid using fossil fuels, we are giving priority to renewable and recovered energies (RE&R). We are also taking action within our company: we are encouraging all our employees to be energy and digital savers, to adopt eco-gestures and to adopt sustainable mobility (our vehicle fleet will be totally hybrid or electric by 2030).
Because every action counts, our eco-responsible website is proof of our desire to go further in developing more sober uses and perhaps give ideas to other digital platforms.

We are committed to
- Biodiversity protection
- by promoting energy wood from sustainable-managed and Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification certified forests
- Water conservation
- Circular economy and waste management
Conservation of resources
We are determined to reduce the impact of our activities on the environment and in particular on biodiversity, thanks to a precise diagnosis of these impacts, the preservation and restoration of the environments in which we operate, the use of wood from sustainably managed forests, and the rigorous awareness-raising of our employees and our partners.
The preservation of water resources is a key point in our approach, since this resource is at the heart of our activities and we are developing virtuous practices to preserve it: the development of low-temperature heating networks, water recovery, systematic search for leaks, etc. More generally, we integrate eco-design and the principles of the circular economy into all of our projects, right from the engineering phase, in order to limit waste and encourage reuse and recovery.

We are committed to
- Health and safety for all, aiming to ensure Zero Accidents
- Inclusion, equalty and diversity at work
- Integrity and respect for human rights
Well-being and solidarity
We are a collective committed to the health, well-being and inclusion of all those who live and work at our sides. In a true quest for integrity, fairness and respect for people.
To achieve this, we act first within our company, preserving the health and safety of each of our employees, encouraging professional equality, diversity and inclusion and while encouraging our employees to improve their skills by proposing training courses to meet their needs and match their career pathway.
Around us, we actively fight against all forms of fraud and corruption, in favor of professional ethics and respect for human rights. We are also working as much as possible to reduce fuel poverty.

We are committed to
- More local attractiveness
- More local employment
- More exchanges with our stakeholders
Responsible development
Aware of our local impact - often positive! -We are actively involved in the places where we operate.
By nurturing proximity and dialogue with our customers and all our partners (suppliers, subcontractors), as well as with the local economic sector and institutions, we contribute to the development of employment, innovation and the attractiveness of the regions. We generate some 50,500 direct and indirect jobs in France, train over 400 new technicians each year and develop the technologies that will drive the energy and digital transition on a larger scale. We are determined to go even further in fulfilling these major responsibilities.
In order to share commitments with its suppliers, Dalkia has created a CSR charter.
Dalkia - CSR charter (english version)444.94 KB