Dalkia : our missions

We are a subsidiary of EDF Group and a leading provider of energy services, with operations across France and further afield. For over 80 years, we have been developing renewable and recovered energy sources, while helping our clients achieve energy savings and reduce their CO2 emissions. We are also a close-knit community and stand by our clients and partners through thick and thin. Together, we are rising to the climate challenge by implementing local solutions that are innovative, cost-effective, eco-friendly—and practical!

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Dalkia, from shadow to light

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We rise to the climate challenge every day at Dalkia by transforming local energy. We are a committed community of over 20,000 people. We have been taking action to fight climate change since 1937 through three missions that are making the energy transition a reality.

Develop local renewable and recovered energy sources using a circular approach

This is how we take part in decarbonisation, meaning that we help reduce CO2 emissions. We do so by developing new techniques, from wood fuel to biogas, geothermal and marine energy, as well as recovered energy sources, such as heat from data centres and industrial processes.
How? By setting up renewable heating and cooling networks that supply energy to cities, neighbourhoods and industrial complexes, enabling them to heat and cool their buildings without emitting CO2.

Achieve – and help others achieve – energy savings

The cleanest energy is the energy that is never used! We therefore provide our clients with the latest-generation digital tools to manage their energy consumption and we harness the full potential of big data and artificial intelligence. We also help them consume less energy, more efficiently, by designing optimised installations and making firm commitments with them on the energy savings to be achieved. That's where our energy performance contracts (EPC) come into play. We provide our clients with the energy they need to operate and we perform maintenance on installations that produce heating, high-pressure steam, superheated water, compressed air, etc. while reducing resource use and carbon emissions over the long term.
We also carry out energy construction projects on industrial sites and buildings to renovate or install new heating equipment (boilers, heating network pipes, plant equipment, etc.) and building components (insulation for walls, roofs and windows, optimised ventilation, upgraded materials, etc.).

Promote sustainable well-being

There’s a common theme to everything we do: improving how we use the energy available to us, and improving the lives of the people who live and work in cities and buildings – for many years to come! That is what guides our research and development on smart cities, smart buildings, smart lighting and Industry 4.0. We also create services for occupants and make a real impact in the fight against fuel poverty by reducing residents’ energy bills.

-6.2 TWh

We empowered our clients to reduce their overall energy consumption by 6.2 TWh in 2021

-4,3 Mt

We avoided 4,3 million tonnes of CO2, the equivalent of more than 2 million cars taken off the road

You want to know more?
Two experts from Dalkia’s energetic services

Our expertise spans the entire process

Our teams are involved in the entire design and energy management process – from studies to engineering, energy procurement, operation, maintenance and upgrades – and all our services incorporate the principles of sustainable development.

A group of men and women of Dalkia, an energetic services company

Meaning and team spirit are central to what we do

Our corporate culture is driven by the meaning we find in our work, which is vital in the fight against climate change. And by our unshakeable team spirit, forged by ambitious, innovative technical projects and a wide range of career paths built around individuals.

Would you like to find out more about our careers at Dalkia?

A few figures that count


employees shaping the present and future of energy

€6.4 billion

in revenue


heating and cooling networks operated, covering a total length of more than 3,000 km

2 million

multi-dwelling units heated


About 5,000 healthcare facilities, 3,800 industrial sites and 22,000 tertiary and commercial facilities rely on our energy services

The energy transition: key facts

The planet's population will grow by 75 million people a year between now and 2040. 75 million more people who, like the seven billion humans already on earth, will need food, clothes, transport, and heating.

Meeting their needs will mean making better use of the energy available in order to overcome at least three key challenges:

  • dwindling resources: 90% of our energy currently comes from non-renewable sources (oil, gas and coal), which are increasingly scarce.
  • the price of energy: with a growing population and dwindling resources, the structural cost of energy is set to rise, irrespective of any cyclical downturns.
  • climate change: the combustion of fossil fuels, which remain in widespread use, emits greenhouse gases which alter the planet’s climate
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