The principle
Industrial processes generate a lot of heat. This waste energy comes, for example, from the steel industry, from the incineration of household waste or from the operation of computer servers. To take advantage of it, we capture this energy: we use it for the needs of the site or we transport it to the buildings that need it. In a logic of circular economy, this energy is infinitely renewable. This is why we talk more and more about renewable and recuperated energies (ENR&R). Like solar, wind or biomass, recovered energy is a major asset for the energy transition.
Recovered energy is the first renewable energy
109,5 TWh
This is the annual French source of industrial heat
36 %
The proportion of fuel consumption in industry that can be recovered

How does it work?
As Lavoisier said, "Nothing is lost, everything is transformed!"
We recover the waste heat generated by the steel industry, household waste incineration or data center operations. For example, it can be recovered to supply a district heating network and thus heat homes, hospitals, public facilities or businesses.
The assets
The fight against waste
Instead of drawing on fossil fuels, we might as well use the...
Instead of drawing on fossil fuels, we might as well use the heat produced by industrial processes! It's as simple as that.
An inexpensive energy
No additional CO2 emissions
Our expertise
Our teams explore, with the help of an energy audit, the potential of waste heat on your site itself or near your buildings. Once we have identified the facilities that emit waste heat enrgy, we propose the appropriate facilities.
In partnership with the start-up Tresorio, you host in your buildings a computer server used by other customers. Thanks to a heat exchanger installed by us, the server is cooled by a water circuit: it goes from cold to hot! The heat is used to supply your hot water circuit. The computer server becomes a real "digital boiler"!
In factories or waste incinerators that produce waste heat, we install heat exchangers to recover it and use it on your site itself, in a circular economy process. We can also inject it into neighboring buildings via a heat network. But it also works the other way around: the fluid that comes in hot can go out cold to supply an air conditioning system, for example!
In some European countries, you can opt for recovered energy as part of your energy renovation work... and get a government bonus in the form of EECs (energy savings certificates)! Dalkia takes care of everything, from carrying out the work to preparing the EEC file.
Our experience
They use recovered energy to heat! Get inspired by their experiences and contact us to find out how to take advantage of these virtuous energy sources.